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Sail the Seas of the Universe

Harnessing Astrological Energies with Light Language

Light Language is a powerful transformer during astrological events. Also known as The Language of Light, it is a form of energetic communication that bypasses the conscious mind and allows individuals to connect with their higher self, spirit guides, or other spiritual beings. When experienced during astrological events, Light Language can help us access the current astrological energies in a direct and powerful way.


Think of the energies of the universe as a vast and powerful ocean, constantly flowing around us. Without the right tools, it can be difficult to navigate to our desired destination or harness these energies for growth and transformation. Light Language is like a sturdy sailboat that allows us to catch the winds of the universe and use them to propel us forward towards our goals.


During astrological events, Light Language can help us unlock the door to deep transformation. For example, during a full moon, we can utilize Light Language to release old patterns and energies that no longer serve us. During a new moon, we can draw upon Light Language to amplify our intentions for the coming lunar cycle.


By using Light Language during such events, we can gain greater clarity, release old patterns and beliefs, and align with our highest path and purpose. It’s like tuning into a radio station – we need to find the right frequency that will connect us with our favourite music. When done right, Light Language is like a special antenna that helps us tune into the frequencies of the universe and receive it’s messages and guidance.

As a Light Language healer, I invite you to join me
for upcoming Light Language events that are aligned with cosmic events. These
events provide powerful opportunities for growth and transformation.
I would love for you to experience the transformative power of Light
Language when astrology is at it’s peak moments.

Join my newsletter to be the first to find out when the next event is happening!